Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Personalized Piped Bag

When my friend Carolyn was a child, she never got those pre-made personalized items, they never came in the name "Carolyn". Sure, they had "Carol". Sure, they had "Caroline". But never "Carolyn". And "Carol" with a "yn" written in wasn't cool. (Meanwhile, they had "Michelle" in everything... I even had a "Michelle" toothbrush.

Anyways, it was Carolyn's birthday on Saturday. I tend to be a birthdays procrastinator. Like everyone gets their birthday cards and presents just a little bit late.

So this past weekend I worked on her birthday present, a bag I've been wanting to make for awhile. It needed an appropriate person to make it for though. Since it was to be personalized, well hello, Carolyn made the perfect recipient.

I waivered between a nice bright vibrant kelly green colour, and this chocolate brown. Finally I decided on chocolate brown because I wasn't sure whether or not Carolyn was a kelly green kind of girl.

I've never done piping on anything before, so that was a bit of a challenge. I like the way it looks. I like the way it turned out (in the end after a lot of stitch ripping). I don't know how many future projects I will do piping on.


Blogger Michele said...

I followed the link to your site from a comment you made on LJC's website. I am also a Michele (but with one "L", so I was curious).

This particular post caught my attention because though lots of items had our name on it...they were rarely spelled the way I spell my name. So I know your friends pain.

Also wanted to say, you're very talented, and I've enjoyed looking at your crafty pursuits. The personalized bag is adorable!

Thu Jan 19, 12:27:00 PM EST  

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